
Donald Trump Piñata Hits Mexican Stores

Do you want to take a swing at Donald Trump, but can't get near him? Mexican artist Dalton Avalos Ramirez can help you with that. During his presidential campaign kickoff speech, Trump made comments that Mexicans were bringing "drugs, crime and rape" to the United States that did not sit well with most citizens in the country. Now, you can buy your own Donald Trump piñata to swing at!

 #OfrecenosUnaDisculpa #Arrogante #OjalayNoTeDenLaCandidatura #LopeorDeTuPais

A photo posted by Piñateria Ramirez (@pinateria_ramirez) on Jun 27, 2015 at 2:35pm PDT

Ramirez said he created the piñata "because of the hatred Trump expressed for the Mexican people. People want to burn the piñatas, they want to break them. People are angry," Ramirez told the Associated Press. The piñata is sold in different sizes and features Trump's signature hairstyle and big, big mouth.

Trump's comments did not just upset the people of Mexico, but also NBC (which aired the Miss America Pageant and his show "Celebrity Apprentice"), Univision and Macy's (which recently dropped his menswear line, according to Us Weekly).

 #DonaldTrump #MexicoTeOdia #OjalayPierdasTuCandidatura #EresUnAsco

A photo posted by Piñateria Ramirez (@pinateria_ramirez) on Jun 18, 2015 at 7:05pm PDT

According to a post on Piñateria, Ramirez's Facebook page, the last piñata to be such a popular target of hate was that of Arjen Robben, the Dutch soccer team star whose penalty foul resulted in Mexico's disqualification at the World Cup last year.

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