Ramen Burger: Where Can You Get Your Hands on NYC’s Latest Food Craze? (VIDEO, LOCATIONS)

Picture this: ¼ of a pound of tender chuck beef sandwiched between two patties of parboiled ramen- discs of yellowy perfection-seasoned with green onions, arugula, and a secret sauce that's stewed for hours.

No, this isn't a college student's Wednesday night dinner. This is the stuff of Asian fusion dreams; this is a craze that has swept New York City's 20-something crowd, and beyond.

This is the Ramen Burger.

On Saturday morning, New Yorkers gathered on the Williamsburg waterfront clutching iced coffees and iPhones to get a taste of the meal that has gained about as much attention as its fad food predecessor, the cronut.

The Ramen Burger has been available for the past few Saturdays at Brooklyn's Smorgasburg food market, according to the New York Post.

The man that created the Ramen Burger, 35-year-old Keizo Shimamoto, described his product as "definitely crazy."

"I didn't expect it to be this popular," the former computer programmer told the Post.

Shimamoto hinted that an expansion is in the works.

"We are looking into doing other events soon," he said, adding that he and some other investors are thinking about opening a storefront.

As of now, Smorgasburg is the sole location to nab one of the real Ramen Burgers, but Dassara, a noodle spot in Brooklyn neighborhood Carroll Gardens, has a mock-up Ramen Burger, which has been Shimamoto approved.

Some were not so impressed by the fad, including friend of Cheng's Brian Fung.

"This is such a mess to eat!" he said, as a stream of secret sauce flowed to his elbow.

But for others like Eugene King, who lined up extra early to chow down, the Ramen Burger was a hit.

"It's a perfect mix of ramen and hamburgers, two of my favorite things," he said heartily.

Pick up the Ramen Burger at:

East River State Park, N 7 Street at Kent Avenue, Brooklyn
(718) 928-6603 for details.

271 Smith Street, Brooklyn
(718) 643-0781 for details.

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