'League Of Legends' Hack: Password and Credit Card Transaction Data Hacked Off Riot Games' Servers

Users of the popular competitive strategy game "League of Legends" would be smart to change the passwords on their account and double check their payment information. Riot Games announced that hackers have managed to breach the company's servers, accessing usernames, e-mail addresses, salted password hashes and real-world names of North American players of the game, according to PCWorld.

The worst part of the security breach is nearly 120,000 credit card transactions have been accessed by the unknown hacker. There are currently no reports of anyone having their banking information compromised or finding money missing, however the possibility is enough to scare the developers into forcing a password change on any and all users.

"The payment system involved with these records hasn't been used since July of 2011, and this type of payment card information hasn't been collected in any Riot systems since then," Riot Games founders Marc Merrill and Brandon Beck explained in a blog post. "We are taking appropriate action to notify and safeguard affected players. We will be contacting these players via the email addresses currently associated with their accounts to alert them."

The game has about 70 million registered players as of an estimate done last October. 12 million of these users are active daily on the game's servers. In March the company said there are nearly five million usrs playing the game online simultaneously at any given time. Affected users shouldn't worry too much as the information swiped from the servers will likely take a while to crack into as the passwords were hashed and salted. However, everyone is advised by the game developers to change their passwords just to be safe.

In response, Riot Games has issued a plan to beef up security by forcing new accounts to be tied to a valid e-mail address and players will need to confirm any and all changes to their existing accounts via e-mail or text message.

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