Americans Challenge Japanese To Giant Robot Duel

Fights between giant people-controlled robots will no longer be something you only see in the movies thanks to a robot-building company in Boston and another in Japan. America's MegaBots challenged Japan's Suidobashi Heavy Industries to a match between its Megabot Mark 2 and their Kuratas in a fight that will remind people of the 2013 film "Pacific Rim," according to CNET.

"Suidobashi, we have a giant robot, you have a giant robot; you know what needs to happen," Matt Oehrlein, co-founder of MegaBots, said in a video while wearing an American flag as a cape. "We challenge you to a duel."

The Megabot Mark 2 stands at 15 feet tall and weighs 12,000 pounds, possessing the ability to fire three-round paint cannonballs at over 100 miles per hour while a human pilots it, Vice reported.

The robot is much heavier than the Kuratas, which weighs 1,100 pounds and comes with twin Gatling guns and four-wheeled legs that let it travel at about six MPH. The Japanese bot also has the kind of targeting system that you would see in a video game.

MegaBots' creation is part of its push for a league for robot fights, with humans controlling them from inside in order to add a sense of danger and excitement, Popular Science reported.

The company initially failed at this initiative with its Kickstarter campaign last November. They raised only four percent of the $1.8 million goal, so it hopes to be successful in making the league a reality with this international exhibition.

Oehrlein said MegaBots and Suidobashi will both need to make battle modifications for this fight to happen, CNET reported. He also told his Japanese competitor to pick a location for the battle, which would take place in June 2016.

Suidobashi has yet to respond to Megabots' challenge, but robot enthusiasts are sure hoping it does.

U.S., Japan