Mother And Daughter 'Whip And Nae Nae' (VIDEO)

Atlanta-based YouTube sensation Silento's "Watch Me (Whip and Nae Nae)" song has taken the world by storm, so much so that pregnant mom Nikki Taylor and her six-year-old daughter Jaylyn have demonstrated their dancing skills in an adorable video.

"My mom is gonna rock it, but don't laugh at her," Jaylyn says at the beginning of the video while bubbling with joy, and, wait for it, Nikki reveals her answer.

"Cause I'm pregnant, really pregnant," Nikki clarifies on behalf of her daughter.

Even Jaylyn is excited before Nikki pops out the next member of the Taylor's in August, according to Fox News.

"I love my baby brother!" Jaylyn said in the video.

Silento rose to fame thanks to the efforts of Amanda Taylor and the DanceOn Campaign, billboard reported.

Click here to read more of HNGN's coverage about Silento and the "Whip" and "Nae Nae."

Mother, Daughter, Dance, Movement