Red Lipsticks Attracts Men More Than Any Other Color

A new study from the University of Manchester has found that men find red lipstick more attractive than any other color.

The color red is associated with several aspects of our daily life. It is believed to be the warmest of all colors with positive energy and motivation. In China, red is the color of prosperity and joy and red roses are often considered a symbol of love. Besides, red is scientifically proven to be the sexiest color. A new study adds more to this list by discovering that red color lipsticks attract men more than any other color.

So ladies! It is time to review your make-up kit if you're looking to impress your man, with this passionate shade of lip color. The results of this study were based on the eye movements of 50 men who were asked to look at different images of women. Certain photographs showed women wearing red lipstick, while some had pink and some no lipstick.

The significance of the red lipstick was analyzed by another study, which concluded that waitresses wearing red lipstick were tipped more from male customers than those who wore brown, pink or no lipstick. Men stated their reason for their tips to specific waitresses as finding them more attractive. According to the latest study, reported by Daily Mail, male participants in the study stared at women in the photographs with red lipstick for an average 7.3 seconds, while 6.7 seconds on those with pink and the least 2.2 seconds on those with no lipstick.

While red is officially proven to be the most attractive and sexiest color, most of our favorite actresses in Hollywood favor this lipstick shade over others

"Wearing red lipstick, in my opinion, is the simplest way to make an impact," Rita Ora told Daily Mail. "As soon as I slick it on, I feel instantly pulled together, more powerful, more womanly. I wear it almost every day."

Or even the famous quote from Gwyneth Paltrow which reads: "Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick."

Red, Attracts, Men, More, Color