Mystery Couple In Viral Wedding Photo Posted By Alabama Man Has Been Identified

A week-long mystery that involved a man from Alabama buying a digital photo frame, finding loads of wedding pictures in it and trying to find the couple in the wedding pictures, has finally been solved. The couple was revealed to be Bill and Kristi Wilson, who both work as event planners for a company called Pinnacle Event Planners in Boston, Mass.

Bill and Kristi came forward after one of their photos went viral over on Facebook, according to NBC News.

The couple married back in 2012. Kristi had purchased a digital photo frame where they uploaded a series of photos from their wedding in it and give it to Bill's mother.

However, Bill said that the pictures never appeared on the frame, so they returned it.

Randy Robinson, the man from Alabama, bought a digital photo frame at a local resale store, found some mysterious photos on its SD card, then proceeded to post those photos on his Facebook page, on the eve of the Wilsons' wedding anniversary three years later.

Robinson posted one of the photos with the caption: "Hey Facebook friends, I need help finding the couple in this picture. They were married on 7/1/12 in Massachusetts. The SD card that contains many of their wedding pictures was in a returned item that I purchased. I would like to return it to them."

The photo had garnered more than one hundred thousand shares, according to Boston.

The couple was out of town celebrating their anniversary with no phone signal when the news spread. A friend of theirs eventually called them on their landline to tell them about what has happened.

"I'm surprised it went so crazy," said Kristi, but admitted that it was heartwarming to see the effort people made in trying to return their photos, even though they no longer needed them.

Robinson said he was glad that it had worked out. "Now I just have to figure out how to stop all these friend requests," he said on Tuesday, according to KNWA-TV.

Odd news, Weird news, Boston, Massachusetts, Wedding, Viral, Viral photo, Facebook, Wedding Anniversary