New Horizons' Mission To Pluto: Your Name Might Be Travelling To The Dwarf Planet

Pluto is about to get its close-up photos from New Horizons very soon and with the probe comes a technology NASA has not mentioned until now - a compact disc (CD) containing more than 430,000 names.

Along with the high-tech cameras and high-speed instruments for studying the dwarf planet is the disc to represent the 434,738 people who filled-out a submission form from NASA back in 2005, asking if they want to be part of the "First Mission To The Last Planet," Popular Science reports.

While Pluto is no longer believed to be the last planet, with scientists believing there are thousands more worlds beyond Pluto in the Kuiper Belt, NASA still stood by their word on the said campaign and did not forget to have New Horizons bring the list of names on its 9-year journey to Pluto.

If you submitted your name for this historic endeavor, you can visit NASA's website and enter your name on a form.

If the system registers your name, you can have a certificate printed out, as evidence that, at the very least, your name was able to travel 3.6 billion miles to reach Pluto and its icy caps.

Be updated on the latest on the Pluto flyby (and read about all the surprises NASA has been recently unveiling) by checking out HNGN Pluto stories below!

Names, Pluto, New Horizons, Nasa