One of the members of the Scottish boyband Rewind collapsed from heat exhaustion Wednesday in the middle of his flight while trying to avoid luggage fees.
19-year-old singer James McElvar decided to wear all of his clothes in order to avoid the excess luggage cost of £45 while on an easyJet flight from London to Glasgow on Wednesday, according to the Daily Mail.
While wearing the 12 layers of clothes, consisting of six t-shirts, four jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogging pants, two jackets and two hats, he started to think he was having a heart attack. He eventually lost consciousness because of heat exhaustion while 37,000 feet in the air.
Before he boarded the flight, he was told that he had way too much luggage, even though he only had a "rucksack and a small suitcase." He could either pay the fee, or wear them all, so he chose the latter. Three hours later, he found himself in an ambulance.
"The woman told me either one of my bags went in the hold or we weren't getting on," McElvar said. "The rest of the band had gone through so I couldn't give them any of my clothes. I felt it was my only option to put on everything."
He then went on to explain that it was nearly impossible for him to walk in all these layers and that he planned on taking them off once he got to his seat, but "was told I had to wait until we were up in the air." As the plane was taking off, he began taking the clothing off, but it was too late. His body was already heating up and he had begun sweating uncontrollably and then became lightheaded.
He eventually got "violently sick" and threw up and as the air hostess reseated him, he passed out and landed in the aisle where he was put in a recovery position. Luckily for him, an off-duty paramedic was on the flight.
"It was a nightmare. I passed out twice and was taken off the plane at Glasgow Airport to a waiting ambulance," he said.
"During the flight, Mr McElvar became unwell and our crew on board assisted him. We wish him a speedy recovery," a spokesman for the airline said, according to The Huffington Post.
The bands Twitter confirmed that he was okay in a tweet following the incident. "For everyone asking James is ok," they wrote. "He is being looked after in hospital now back home safe in Glasgow. He sends you all his love."
James is much better now! Still in a bit of shock but he's recovered from last night! And the other boys are fine and home safe! #rewindHQ
— REWIND (@rewind_music) July 9, 2015