Nelson Mandela Health Update: Former South African Leader 'Still Critical But Stable'

The president's office in South Africa released a statement regarding Nelson Mandela's current health status on Saturday, saying the former president is "still critical but stable," according to BBC News.

President Jacob Zuma said the 95-year-old Mandela refuses to let his condition affect a positive outlook and that doctors are working towards a "turnaround" in his health.

"While at times, his condition becomes unstable, the doctors indicate that the former President has demonstrated great resilience and his condition tends to stabilise as a result of medical interventions," Zuma said in a statement.

The ailing anti-apartheid leader is in the same hospital in Pretoria where he was admitted almost three months ago for a lung infection. Since day one of his hospital stay, the world has anxiously awaited updates on his condition, as well as, expressing well wishes for Mandela to get well soon.

BBC reported Saturday's statement did not differ from one released nearly a month ago when Zuma said he was in critical condition but still stable.

The rest of the official statement asks for the public to keep Mandela, nationally known as Madiba, in their thoughts and prayers at all times. Madiba is Mandela's clan name and is often referred to by it.

Zuma is preparing to travel to Malaysia where he will be accepting an award for Mandela.

"Among the highlights of the visit will be the awarding of a Lifetime Award for Global Peace to former President Mandela by the Mahathir Global Peace Foundation. President Zuma will receive the award on Madiba's behalf," the statement read.

Mandela spent 27 years in prison after fighting against the apartheid regime in South Africa. In 1994, he became president after the white minority rule ended.

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