Pink Flamingos Hatched in Austria Zoo (PHOTOS)

Nineteen Pink Flamingo chicks recently hatched at Zoo Vienna in Austria, while still more eggs are being incubated by the parents. The zoo has been noted for successfully rearing flamingos for many years.

"The youngest birds are still in the nest under the wings of their parents, who alternatively keep the chicks warm and feed them with a high-energy liquid from their crop. The bigger birds have already left the nest and are being looked after in a group, similar to a kindergarten," Zoo Director Dagmar Schratter explains, Zoo Borns reported.

Pink or Greater Flamingos are found from West Africa through the Mediterranean, Europe, South West and South Asia, and in sub-Saharan Africa. There are about 20,000 breeding pairs in Europe wherein the majority living in the Camargue region in France.

Bird, Austria
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