Beyoncé Caught in the Middle of a VMA After Party Fight? ‘Grown Woman’ Singer Was Screaming for Diddy, J Cole to Break it Up

Beyoncé was caught in the middle of a fight over the weekend. According to the Daily Mail, the "Grown Woman" singer attended a post-VMA party by Diddy and Ciroc with her husband Jay Z. According to several witnesses a fight broke out and between Diddy and rapper J Cole.

Some reports claim it was because the rapper said some "inappropriate things" to Diddy's girlfriend Cassie and others claim he was dancing too close to the couple.

Beyoncé was reportedly yelling at the two to stop fighting while the "Magna Carta" rapper was trying to pull people apart. A guest told the New York Daily News "It was mayhem, Beyoncé was yelling to stop and Jay Z was separating people and getting people away from Bey."

"We were all dancing and the fight breaks out, and it happened so quickly and bottles were crashing everywhere, and everyone was screaming," the source continued.

The source added that the altercation lasted about 90 seconds and afterward Diddy jumped on the mic to apologize to the crowd and to tell people to kep having fun.

"It's all cool. Ya'll keep having fun! It's no big deal, it's over," Diddy said.

Several eyewitnesses saw the scuffle including Jamie Foxx, Pharrell,, Russell Simmons and Busta Rhymes. Despite the yelling match, the "Diva" singer left the party in good spirits, the Daily News reports.

Both Diddy and J. Cole tweeted about the rumors surrounding their fight and it seems like they have put everything behind them. Diddy however denies that the fight even happened.

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