Man Makes Playable Record Out Of Tortilla (VIDEO)

A man has created a record out of a playable uncooked flour tortilla using a laser cutter, Mashable reported.

"I thought I could do that video one better," UpgradeTech wrote on Reddit, referring to a video of a limited edition tortilla vinyl. "I was already familiar with laser cutting records at 78 rpm on acrylic for use in gramophones ... I decided to see if I could make it work on an actual tortilla."

Surprisingly, it did really produce classical music. The man created the record with some audio editing software and a laser cutter for 30 minutes. A half-minute of "Jarabe Tapatio," also known as "The Mexican Hat Dance," was played on a record player.

The creator also tested cooked tortillas but found them to be too lumpy and easily shredded. The tortilla is still edible after playing, but with the process it undergoes, it has a burnt taste, Time reported.

Currently, the creator is looking for a 12-inch record to create a full size version because what he featured in the video is merely a 7-inch 78 rpm record.

The video was also uploaded to YouTube by Raptor Record and has generated over 700,000 views.

Record, Reddit, Youtube