95-Year-Old, 23-Pound Lobster Attracts People To New York Restaurant

Lobsterman Stephen Jordan was shocked when he found a 95-year-old, 23-pound lobster in the shipment he received from his fisherman this past Tuesday morning.

"One of our fishermen sent it down and said, 'Oh, you gotta look, I have a surprise in one of the crates," said Jordan, owner of Jordan Lobster Farms in Long Island, New York, according to ABC News. "We opened it up and were like, 'Holy Jesus!' We haven't seen one for ten to fifteen years that big."

There's no way to determine the exact age of a lobster. However, judging by its enormous weight and size, the fishermen say the crustacean could be nearly 95 years old, CBS Local reported.

The lobster has become a local celebrity, with people lining up at the restaurant to take pictures with it. In fact, he's become so popular that Jordan has decided that he won't sell the lobster to be eaten, and will instead donate him to a Long Island Aquarium so it can live out the rest of its life in peace, according to CBS News.

"They'll take good care of him. He was a little stressed out yesterday," Jordan said. "It was a lot of action, so we have him in his own apartment in the back and we've been feeding him well. We'll give him another day to recover."

Lobster, New York, Long Island, Fishermen, Size, Weight, Age, Restaurant, Popular, Attraction, Local, Celebrity, Aquarium