Kim Richards Out of Rehab, Opens Up About Struggles With Alcohol (VIDEO)

Kim Richards has opened up about her struggle with alcohol now that she's completed her stint in rehab. After a rough past few months, which consisted of an arrest and causing a scene at her daughter's wedding, the former "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star eventually relapsed and ended up back in rehab for the fourth time. As someone who has always struggled with alcohol abuse, Richards said relapsing wasn't easy.

"I love sobriety," the 50-year-old reality star told Entertainment Tonight on Wednesday night at the "Sharknado 3" premiere. "I've always loved sobriety, and relapsing was very hard for me. It was not easy. I have to say, don't take this wrong, but I really wanted to go to treatment because I needed a break from what I was going through at home."

With everything going on in her life, especially with her family, leading up to this point, she'd been really stressed out.

"Monty, my ex-husband, is very sick and my son wasn't well," Richards said of her relapse. "And I had to give away my dog, and I wasn't talking to my sisters [Kyle]."

As for her public intoxication arrest, battery and resisting arrest, that seemed to be the moment she realized she needed to get away from it all.

"Actually, my arrest was my 'Aha, I get to go away now and rest and take a break from all this,'" Richards revealed. "I don't want anybody to take this wrong, but I truly needed a break from hospitals, family, the pressure. I needed to go away."

She has now completed her program and has been sober for more than 30 days.

"I went in and I got to learn a whole lot about myself," she continued to say. "I dug deep into my past, things that happened to me as a child, good and bad, teenage years, relationships with all my loved ones, where they need to be mended, where they're very powerful. I worked on me."

Just last month, sources revealed that Richards would not be returning to "RHOBH" because the producers really believed she needed to get help outside of the show, according to Us Weekly. But Richards said that they have now been expressing interest in having her back next season.

"My representative did speak to them," she said. "They have asked me to come back."

Watch the full interview below!

Kim Richards, Rehab, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills