Snoop Dogg was arrested in Sweden this past weekend and posted a few videos to his Instagram calling out the cops.
The arrest took place on Saturday night after one of his shows when the 43-year-old rapper was pulled over for suspicion of illegal drug use, according to The Guardian. He was detained and then released later on after he underwent a sobriety test once at the station.
While in the back of the cop car, he recorded a video, which he then posted to his Instagram earlier today. "N***as got me in the back of the police car right now in Sweden, cuz," he said in the video. "Pulled a n***a over for nothing, taking us to the station where I gotta pee in a cup for nothing. I ain't did nothing. All I did was came to the country and did a concert. And now I gotta go to the police station, for nothing."
Sweden is a country that is very strict when it comes to drug use and boasts a zero-tolerance policy. "Police carrying out roadside controls noticed that Snoop Dogg (whose car was pulled over) seemed to be under the influence of narcotics," Daniel Nilsson, a spokesperson for the Swedish capital, said, according to The Local. "He was arrested and taken to the police station to take a urine test." Apparently, the incident only lasted several minutes and once he finished the urine test, he was allowed to leave.
"They made me pee in a cup," Snoop Dogg said in another video. "Didn't find s**t. F**k y'all."
He then went on to post even more videos, accusing the police of racial profiling. "Profile, racial profile," he said in one of the videos. "Came and snatched me out my car."
In a few of the videos, he addressed his fans, assuming they were concerned about him, but letting them know that he "made it through." "2 all my Sweden fans U can blame YA police dept for never seeing me again in your beautiful country," he captioned a photo of him on stage during the concert. "It's allways a few dicks that f**k it up for everybody. It's been real thank u Jah bless. !! F**k the police. And I'm still smokin."
A video posted by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on Jul 26, 2015 at 12:58am PDT