Coca-Cola Infographic Shows Drinks' Scary Effects On Your Body

A new infographic posted online by "The Renegade Pharmacist" claims to show you exactly what happens to your body after you drink a can of Coca-Cola. If you're a Coke drinker, it's pretty frightening.

"The Renegade Pharmacist" is actually Niraj Naik, who previously worked as a pharmacist in the U.K. The in-depth infographic shows that the sugar in the drink begins to affect your body system about 10 minutes after you drink that soda. You'll get 100 percent of your daily recommended sugar intake right then and there. The reason you don't throw up all that sugar is because the drink is balanced with phosphoric acid.

Insulin bursts in your system after 20 minutes as your sugar levels spike, according to the graphic. Your liver goes to work right away, converting sugar into fat. After 40 minutes, your body has finished absorbing the caffeine. This causes a rise in your blood pressure, and your liver responds by dumping even more sugar into your body. You may feel awake and alert. That's because your brain has blocked sensations of drowsiness.

After 45 minutes, your body starts producing more dopamine, which makes you feel good. It's the same sort of effect that doing heroin has on your brain, according to Fox CT.

Once 60 minutes have passed, you'll begin the inevitable sugar crash. You might start to feel sluggish and irritable. You may even reach for another Coke.

The infographic is meant to frighten and uses contain jarring language, but it's no secret that caffeine and sugar do wreak havoc on the body, eCanadaNow reported.

Around 1.6 billion Cokes are served to customers around the world every day, according to Chron.

Coke, Coca Cola, Heroin