Blue Marlin: Hawaii Anglers Caught Giant Blue Marlin Weighing 1,368 Pounds; Fish Species Is 'Vulnerable' Per IUCN's Red List

An angler from Hawaii reeled in a giant blue marlin off the coast of Kona on Wednesday. It is the 8th largest blue marlin ever caught on record, according to Sports Grid.

The blue marlin was caught by angler Guy Kitakoa. He and daughter Kellie hooked the giant fish at around 1 p.m., and they brought their catch onto their 20-foot boat at around 2:30 p.m., after a long battle with the blue marlin, WBTW News 13 reports.

The 1,368-pound fish is just 8 pounds short of being the biggest blue marlin caught off the coast of Kona since the fish caught in 1992, which weighed 1,372 pounds. Kitakoa's blue marlin was female. Most giant marlins are female because the males rarely grow heavier than 300 pounds, according to the International Game Fish Association.