Baby Orca Whale Shows Off Inspiring New Skill (PHOTOS)

Two new orca whales, J50 and J51, were welcomed in the Pacific Northwest recently after a whale scientists named J Pod gave birth to two calves.

One of them, J50, just learned how to propel her own body out of the water and now she can't stop doing it! She was traveling with her pod in the waters between San Juan Island and Vancouver Island when she discovered her new talent

The historic moment was captured by wildlife photographer and frequent whale watcher Clint Rivers who used his telephoto lens to capture all the exhilarating action.

"J50 stole the show, and hearts, with more than 60 breaches as she and her family moved south in Haro Strait," Rivers said, according to Mother Nature Network. "It's like she just figured out how this breaching thing works and couldn't stop."

Rivers took numerous photos of J50 leaping out of the water, but this photo stood out and became a symbol of hope for the endangered southern killer whale population in the Pacific Ocean.

The photo is available for purchase as a print. Portion of the proceeds will be donated to Center for Whale Research.
