727-Pound Alligator Breaks Records; Hunters Will Make Gun Straps And Picture Frames Out Of Skin And Eat Meat (VIDEO)

Gator hunters made two record-breaking catches within an hour of each other.

The larger alligator was over 13-feet-long and weighed a monstrous 727 pounds, NBC reported.

"We chased him for about two hours, then we got a shot on him," Dustin Brockman of Vicksburg, Miss, told NBC. The men shot the giant alligator with a crossbow and then a shotgun.

The startling catch was made only three days into the state's alligator hunting season.

"We killed the alligator at 4 a.m.," Brockman said. "We waited until 6:30 [a.m.] before I called three or four more guys to help us load it into the boat."

Crock hunting usually takes place at night; hunters usually use flashlights to look for the reptiles' glowing eyes.

"It's a lot easier to find them because their eyes reflect," Brockman said. "In the daytime, if they're lying on a bank underneath the tree, you ain't going to see them."

A separate hunting party caught a 13-foot, 5.5-inch alligator only one hour earlier. The beast weighed 723.5 pounds, and was the record holder for that one short hour.

The current length record is 13 feet, 6.5 inches, and is yet to be broken since it was set in 2008.

Brockman plans to make a gun strap and picture frame out of the alligator's skin, and will eat the meat with friends.

"We're going to cook it for sure. I got a bunch of people who want some, and there's plenty for me and everybody else." Borckman told NBC.

Alligator hunting was not always legal in Mississippi, a Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks press release reported.

"The recovery of the American alligator in Mississippi from an endangered species to a population that now has reached levels to sustain hunting is a true wildlife conservation success story," Ricky Flynt, MDWFP, Alligator Program Coordinator, said.