Is it just me, or did the dome just turn the “four hands” into the “four assassins?”
The “four hands” Joe, Norrie, Angie, and Junior woke up to find what appear to be paint blotches in the place of where the pink stars were. After admiring some constellations they realize that four of the blotches/stars represent them.
Next, they decide Julia should be trusted with this secret—and things begin to spiral downward from there.
After Joe and Norrie leave, the barn Junior decides it’s a good time to mention him and Angie getting back together. As expected, Angie isn’t too keen on getting back into a relationship with someone who made her prisoner. Junior decides to throw a fit and quit the “four hands,” causing the dome to throw a fit of its own and start up a big storm.
A few fallen trees and broken glasses later, Angie “brilliantly” realizes the dome isn’t happy with Junior’s decision to leave so she runs to tell him. She convinces him to leave but as she’s walks away from his house the storm blows a bench in her direction. Junior saves her which the dome seems to like—because the storm immediately stops.
The “four hands” meet back at the barn and decide they must put their hands on the real dome. Using Joe’s brilliant astronomy knowledge (boy, the kid is smart) they figure out where the four stars in the barn, would be on the actual dome.
Once they arrive at the spot, they place their hands on the big dome. Big Jim magically appears on the other side of the dome in front of them. The last time someone not included in the “four hands” appeared to a person who touched the dome that person died. (Norrie’s mom after Norrie touched the mini dome.) And it seems like Big Jim may suffer the same fate.
After Junior’s dad smiles at them from the other side, four stabs wounds appear on his belly and begin to gush blood. He’s also gushing from his nose.
When the four of them look down at their hands, they are each holding knives—covered in blood.
The Dome’s translation according to the “four”:
Norrie: Maybe the dome’s coming down
Angie: But first we have to Big Jim has to die
Norrie: And I think we’re supposed to do it.
So, there you have it—the dome now requests murders.
It’s the morning after Barbie’s secret about Peter Shumway has come out and Julia asks him to see where he buried her husband. The only problem is, they never make it that far.
The doorbell rings and Max opens the door. This is what we’ve all been waiting for right? A Julia and Max showdown. Only, its not much of a showdown since they utter all of two words to each other then Max shoots Julia in the shoulder and walks away.
Barbie rushes downstairs to save Julia and gets some help from Joe who was on his way to tell the journalist about the mini dome.
The hospital is a little short staffed, obviously, and Barbie has to perform the operation with the help of Joe. Coincidentally after he saves Julia the storm stops, causing Joe to think Barbie is the Monarch. (Joe tells the other three about his theory but Junior says the storm stopped because he came back to the group.)
After Barbie is done with Julia, he and Big Jim head to find Max. They arrive at the evil queen’s underground lair and are met graciously with guns to the back of their heads. However, thanks to Barbie’s rigging of the light system he and Big Jim are able to turn the tables and carry Max and her business partner Otto Aguilar outside at gunpoint. This is where we get to see Big Jim’s plan for Barbie come into action.
As Barbie leaves to go get Linda to properly arrest Max and her goon, Big Jim shoots them in the head. Then he points the gun at Barbie who subdues him immediately. When Linda arrives, Barbie is holding a gun and by now Linda has learned of Barbie’s previous profession and the murder of Peter Shumway. Barbie escapes Linda and, as we were told last week, his life as a fugitive begins.
Near the end of the episode Big Jim is on the radio station telling the entire town Barbie is responsible for three murders:
Max Seagrave
Otto Aguilar, Max’s business associate
Agatha, Max’s mom
Big Jim also labels the Barbie as the person who tried to kill him and Julia.
It seems Big Jim is causing trouble and its not hard to see why the dome doesn’t like him very much.