Deadpool's First Official Trailer Released (VIDEO, NSFW)

Twentieth Century Fox has released the very first trailer for Ryan Reynolds' "X-Men" spinoff "Deadpool," after premiering on "Conan" Tuesday.

The action-packed red band trailer shows Ryan Reynolds as the foul-mouthed merc, who agrees to become a part of an experiment that gives him superhuman regenerative powers, according to Entertainment Weekly.

The meta commentary on Deadpool and the R-rated humor really stand out in the trailer, which released a day after the studio launched the teaser trailer for the movie.

"Just make sure you do right by me, so I can do right by somebody else," he says before going into surgery. "And just don't make my suit green - or animated!" referring to Reynolds' portrayal of Hal Jordan in Green Lantern, Variety reported.

The highly anticipated trailer created quite a buzz since its debut at the Comic-Con in July. "For one I think it's an absolute miracle that a studio let us make 'Deadpool' let alone a rated-R 'Deadpool,'" Reynolds said at the convention.

Directed by Tim Miller, the film, which also stars Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller and Brianna Hildebrand, is slated to hit theatres on Feb. 12, 2016.

Trailer, Ryan Reynolds, 20th Century Fox, Tim Miller, X-Men, Superhero, Comic-Con, Deadpool, Movie, Film, Morena Baccarin