Ebola Scare In Alabama: Patient Tests Negative For Deadly Disease

An Alabama patient believed to have possibly been infected with the Ebola virus tested negative for the disease Wednesday, according to the Associated Press.

The Alabama Department of Public Health reported that his condition is improving.

Tests on the family members and firefighters who made contact with the patient have all come back negative for the disease as well, according to Al.com.

The patient was admitted to the University of Alabama-Birmingham Hospital Tuesday after showing signs of Ebola-like symptoms.

Even though the patient traveled to a country that has active Ebola cases, he was still considered low-risk by health care professionals.

"This person would fit into our low-risk category, meaning they did not come into contact with any known Ebola cases while over there, and they didn't participate in any high-risk activities such as burial ceremonies or health care work," said Jefferson County Medical Director Edward Khan.

There is no public health risk perceived at this time, according to Anthony Patterson, UAB senior vice president for Inpatient Services.

There have been four confirmed cases of Ebola in the U.S., none of which occured in Alabama.

Information on the patient's name and the country visited are not being released.

Ebola, Alabama, Ebola virus, Virus, Disease