Yahoo New Logo: Company Opts For A Subtle Change In Design Of Its Look After 18 Years (SEE IT)

After a month-long buildup, Yahoo has unveiled its new logo, marking the first time the company has changed its image after its founding 18 years ago.

The new logo sports a sans-serif typface created by Yahoo with the same purple coloring, according to CNN. However, the shade is a little bit darker and the font makes the entire page look cleaner and well kempt, with the exception of the company's trademark exclamation mark, which has retained a bit of its fun.

The company posted two different logos on its Tumblr page at midnight on Thursday. The first shows white text on its trademark purple shade background, the other inverts the look with purple text on a white background.

"We knew we wanted a logo that reflected Yahoo - whimsical, yet sophisticated. Modern and fresh, with a nod to our history. Having a human touch, personal. Proud," wrote Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer in a blog post on the company's Tumblr page. Yahoo acquired the blogging website earlier this year and took the opportunity to showcase the new logo exclusively on its page.

"We didn't want to have any straight lines in the logo. Straight lines don't exist in the human form and are extremely rare in nature, so the human touch in the logo is that all the lines and forms all have at least a slight curve," she added.

Despite the tradition of the old logo, a recent internal poll cited by Mayer said that 87 percent of Yahoo employees desired to have the logo changed.

What could have been a quiet rebranding opportunity was turned into a month-long buildup by Yahoo, which posted a new runner-up on its website every day for the past 30 days, with some of the possible new looks being significantly more out there in terms of creativity and change.

The new logo can be seen on and will soon roll out across all of the brand's platforms.

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