Cheetahs Use More Than Speed; Hunting Strategies Are Prey-Specific 'Formula One Car With A Small Tank'

Researchers noticed cheetah's rely on more than their super-speed and agility to catch prey. The big cats "match and even anticipate escape tactics" of their specific target.

The research ream used "GPS and accelerometer data loggers" to observe the cheetah's hunting behavior, a Queen's University Belfast press release reported.

"Our study found that whilst cheetahs are capable of running at exceptionally high speeds, the common adage that they simply 'outrun' their prey does not explain how they are able to capture more agile animals. Previous research has highlighted their incredible speed and acceleration and their ability to turn after escaping prey. We have now shown that hunt tactics are prey-specific," lead researcher Dr. Michael Scantlebury, from the School of Biological Sciences at Queen's University Belfast, said.

"In other words, we now know that rather than a simple maximum speed chase, cheetahs first accelerate towards their quarry before slowing down to mirror prey-specific escaping tactics. We suggest that cheetahs modulate their hunting speed to enable rapid turns, in a predator-prey arms race, where pace is pitted against agility. Basically, cheetahs have clear different chase strategies depending on prey species," he said.

The researchers believe cheetahs initially run at accelerated speeds (up to about 60 miles per hour), but then have a "slowing period" when the get closer to the prey which allows them to match the species' unique escape tactics.

"The time spent in the initial and second phase differs according to prey species, with some species such as ostriches, hares and steenbok attempting to escape by executing sudden changes in direction, whilst other species such as wildebeest, gemsbok and springbok attempt to run fast in a more or less straight line. It almost seems as if the amount of power or effort put into a chase is decided at the beginning of the chase depending on the prey species," Scantlebury said.

The use of new technology in this study allowed researchers to study the handsome cats like never before, and find out things they never considered.

"One critical feature about the sports machine that is the cheetah is that we are not just talking about a dragster that achieves incredible speeds in a straight line. This beast has to corner magnificently as well. It's a Formula One car, but with a small tank," Professor Rory Wilson from Swansea University, said.

The team also noticed cheetah's that did less turning towards the climax of their hunt were usually unsuccessful.

The discovery of cheetahs' advanced hunting techniques suggests the species will thrive for quite some time.

"One thing is certain, and that is that our previous concept of cheetah hunts being simple high speed, straight line dashes to catch prey is clearly wrong. They engage in a complex duel of speed, acceleration, braking and rapid turns with ground rules that vary from prey to prey. These exciting findings are an important foundation for ensuring the preservation of these magnificent animals and for future studies in this area," Scantlebury said.