
Target Removing Gender-Based Signs From Stores

Target announced Friday that there will be no more distinction between "boys" and "girls" in their store signage, which means you won't see "boys' bedding" and "girl's building sets" at the retail giant's stores anymore. The upgraded labeling system is a response from Target to numerous customer complaints about gender-based shopping distinctions like these.

Target put a statement on the company's official network to announce the change. "Shopping preferences and needs change and, as guests have pointed out, in some departments like toys, home or entertainment, suggesting products by gender is unnecessary," the written statement said, according to CNN. "We heard you, and we agree."

You'll begin to see the changes over the next few months. The kids' bedding section will no longer distinguish between the sexes. Gender references will disappear from the toy sections.

Clothing sections, however, will still contain gender distinctions, The International Business Times reported.

Pink and blue shelf paper will also disappear from kids' sections at Target, according to Bloomberg. "Right now, our teams are working across the store to identify areas where we can phase out gender-based signage to help strike a better balance," Target said in their statement.

Target, Cnn, Bloomberg, Gender, Kids
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