It is already a fact that eating is necessary and that when we stop eating, it will cause harm to our bodies. However, it would be even better if we got to know the science about our bodies when we fail to intake food.
Science Youtubers AsapSCIENCE uploaded a video that shows exactly what happens to the body, stage by stage, and depending on the length of time a person doesn’t eat anything.
The video shows that when a person feels "hangry" (hungry and angry), he would have low blood sugar for the first six hours. For extended hours, one would have issues in problem-solving and understanding, and also wouldn't be in the best mental state.
Because there is no food intake, the body would then cannibalize in its own protein, which will result in a shattered immune system and death in three weeks to 70 days.
The informative video already has more than one million views. It is also supports Global Citizen to help provide food for 795 million people who suffer from hunger and malnutrition around the world.