Kenneth Cole Tweet: Offensive Post Uses Crisis in Syria to Boost Company Promotion, Designer Defends Yet Another Unsavory Move (TWEETS, VIDEO)

The head of luxury fashion brand Kenneth Cole posted an unsavory tweet on Thursday, in which he used the crisis in Syria to promote his company.

Users on the social media site responded incredulously.

Some blamed his PR team, others called the move "not cool or socially responsible."

Others, still, defended him: one woman said he must have just been "confused."

Users even fired back with retorts and jokes, poking fun at Cole.

"Don't step on a landmine: step into our new fall line," user Evan Sutton tweeted.

"Soldiers coming back in body bags or not, let's not forget this season's hottest purses!" Olivia Nuzzi replied.

In response to the backlash, Cole decided to throw a little salt on the wound by posting a video on Instagram defending his actions.

"I've always used my platform to provoke dialogue about important issues, including HIV/AIDS, war and homelessness," he said. "I'm well aware of the risks that come with this approach, and if this encourages further awareness and discussion of critical issues, then all the better."

And to that end, Cole is right-it's true, this isn't the first time he's used social media to try ramping up publicity for his leatherwear line.

In 2011, Cole tweeted, "Millions are in uproar in #Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is available online."

The company then made the post into a decal and stuck it right on the front of a Kenneth Cole shop in New York City.