Miley Cyrus Slams Taylor Swift 'Bad Blood' Video: 'That's Supposed to Be a Good Example?'

Safe to say Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift won't become friends anytime soon. During an interview with Marie Claire for its September issue, Cyrus admitted that she wasn't a fan of the violent imagery portrayed in Swift's "Bad Blood" video.

The 22-year-old pop star question why she has been criticized for her racy attire and antics while Swift has been praised as a proper role model despite promoting violence in her video.

"I don't get the violence revenge thing," Cyrus said. "That's supposed to be a good example? And I'm a bad role model because I'm running around with my [breasts] out? I'm not sure how [breasts] are worse than guns."

"There is so much sexism, ageism, you name it. Kendrick Lamar sings about LSD and he's cool. I do it and I'm a druggie whore," she added, referring to the double standards between men and women in Hollywood and the music industry.

The "Wrecking Ball" singer, who channels supermodel Twiggy for the cover of Marie Claire, also opened up about being herself in the music industry, including feeling free to post her own nude photos online.

Over the past two years, he former Disney darling her appeared topless in several magazine outlets. She had received a lot of backlash for posting topless photos on Instagram and partying in Los Angeles wearing little clothing.

"I don't really stress too much about being out there," Cyrus said. "There's nothing left to catch me doing. You want to hack my e-mail so you can find my nude pictures? I'll just f--king put them up."

When it comes being rich and famous, Cyrus said, "People get more famous, so that they can make their brand more famous, so that they can sell more shit, so that they can make more money. It's a never-ending cycle. Getting more money, having more hits, being the lead in the movie - those things might stimulate you, but they don't make you happy. I've experienced it all already, and I'm telling you firsthand, it doesn't"

The September issue of Marie Claire featuring Cyrus will be on newsstands Aug. 18.

Miley cyrus, Taylor Swift