Emily Bett Rickards is Woman Crush Wednesday-Worthy! (PHOTOS)

Emily Bett Rickards is HNGN's Woman Crush Wednesday selection for August 19. The celebrity is currently rocking all of her beauty while filming for the hit TV show, "Arrow."

You might also remember the actress in 2014's "The Flash," according to imdb. She has also made her mark in the movie industry in 2015's "Brooklyn."

Can't get enough of the Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada-born hottie? Well then be sure to catch her in "Arrow's fourth season, which premieres on Oct. 7, according to When Will.

The star, who plays Felicity, will act alongside Curtis Holt also known as Echo Kellum, according to Emily Bett Rickards Fan.

"He's going to fill the void that Ray left, not as a romantic interest for Felicity, but as someone who is an equal intellectually to her and that we can have fun scenes between her and Curtis Holt in Palmer Tech," executive producer Wendy Mericle told TV Guide.

Click here for more HNGN Woman Crush Wednesday selections.

Woman Crush Wednesday