
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General, Refuses To Resign Despite Perjury Charges

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane gave a press conference Wednesday to address the criminal charges that have been leveled against her. She says it's all tied into "Porngate," an earlier scandal that rocked the AG's office in 2014, according to MSN.

"I am innocent of any wrongdoing," she said.

Kane was charged last week with leaking information obtained through grand jury to a newspaper reporter and lying about these actions while under oath.

Earlier, Kane's office discovered a pornographic email ring involving several state employees who were trading explicit materials back and forth. The scandal, dubbed Porngate, has already caused several people tied to the emails to be fired or resign. This includes a state Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery. Kane found the pornographic materials while investigating state prosecutors who handled the sex case against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who is now in prison after being convicted on child molestation charges, MSN reported.

In her remarks, Kane says she has no plans to leave office. She did not take any questions after making her statement. She's the first woman and first Democrat in Pennsylvania to be elected as attorney general.

The statement was the first public comment Kane has made since charges of perjury, abuse of office and obstruction of justice were brought against her last week, according to The New York Times.

Kane won her election by a significant margin in 2012, according to Penn Live. During her election, she promised to investigate the Sandusky case while in office, and did so. Kane plans to fight the charges against her.

Msn, New York Times, Pennsylvania, Attorney general, Penn state
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