Japanese Man Walks 800 Miles Home After Being Mugged to 'Avoid a Fuss'

An 25-year old, unnamed man from Japan walked a whopping 800 miles home to Sendai from the city of Kitakyushu after being mugged, his mother shocked to see him 11 days later than he had been expected to return, the Telegraph reports.

The man was attending a major playing card convention in Kitakyushu and had a returning flight on Aug. 25, which he missed after being mugged by a group of five men who stole his wallet and cell phone. Luckily, he had an extra $20 concealed in his shoe, which he used to buy bread and water to "fight off the hunger" as he made his way home on foot during the 800-mile journey, not once going to the police or asking anyone for help.

"I never wanted to make a fuss. I'm sorry to everyone I inconvenienced," the man told the Yomiuri newspaper.

After he failed to return home, his mother had called the police and reported him missing.

"I was shocked and thought I was seeing a ghost when he arrived," his mother said of his surprising return home on Sept. 5. "I'm just thrilled that he is back and I'm very sorry to everyone who was worried about him."

Commentors online were shocked that the man had not gone to local authorities or called anyone after being mugged. However, the man confirmed to the newspaper that the trip hadn't been a major disaster, as he was able to hold on to a very important trading card for his collection that the muggers had failed to steal. His mother added that during his journey, he'd gotten a nice tan from being in the sun all day for over a week.