
DrillChem Fire: Explosions Wreak Havoc At Texas Chemical Plant

A series of explosions ravaged the DrillChem plant in Conroe, Texas, causing a "shelter-in-place" issue for surrounding residents on Friday.

Authorities say that the first explosion was felt around 4:40 p.m., and everyone within a two-mile radius of the plant was put under the shelter-in-place order, according to KHOU.

A shelter-in-place warning is an advisory to use an immediately available structure to provide a safe indoor atmosphere, separating the individual from the hazardous outside.

Firefighters also advised residents to turn off their air conditioning and keep the doors and windows closed.

Conroe Fire Marshal Mike Legoudes has reported that the fire has been brought under control and that there have been no casualties, according to the Conroe Courier.

The cause of the explosion is unknown, but an investigation is underway.

"It's an unusual fire," said Legoudes. "It's unusual to have a fire this size at a facility like this. But we have no idea what might have caused it."

The fire took about two hours to vanquish, with more than 50 firefighters and a Hazmat team present at the scene, USA Today reported.

The shelter in place was lifted around 7:35 p.m. Friday evening.

DrillChem is an oil industry supply company that creates sealants, shale inhibitors and lubricants, according to the DrillChem website.

Fire, Chemical, Plant, Texas, USA Today
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