Scott Walker: Health Care Is All About 'Freedom'

Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisc.) released his health care plan on Tuesday. If elected President, Walker will use this plan to replace the existing Obamacare policies, according to CNN. Walker's health care plan puts a cap on Medicaid payments and allows people to buy their insurance across state lines, among other changes. "People all across this country are fed up with Washington, I feel your pain, I'm fed up with Washington, too," he said.

The former Governor is not the only Republican vying to be President. After Walker's plan was unveiled, fellow GOP primary contender Bobby Jindal released a statement. "Surely we as Republicans have more courage than this. Surely we can do better than simply producing our own versions of Obamacare lite," Jindal said.

Walker plans to introduce other proposals in the weeks ahead. His health care plan is 13 pages long, and eliminates tax funding. He calls for government reforms to fund his plan. Walker has said he would repeal Obamacare, properly known as the Affordable Care Act, on his first day in office as president, according to the New York Times.

Walker plans to use a tax credit system for his health care plan, which increases annual limits on health savings accounts. His aides say the plan will reduce premiums, according to the Wall Street Journal. "It's all about freedom...Putting freedom back in the hands of patients and families to make decisions about your health care and about your money," Walker said.

Scott Walker is currently one of 17 candidates running in the Republican primary election.

Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Health care, Obamacare, Affordable Care Act, New York Times, Cnn, 2016 presidential election, President, Governor, Washington
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