Toronto Woman Fakes Pregnancy to Smuggle Cocaine from Colombia in Rubber Belly (VIDEO)

A Toronto woman who faked pregnancy to transport two kilograms of cocaine was caught trying to board a flight from Colombia back to Canada.

Deputy director for Colombia's anti-narcotic police department Col. Esteban Arias told CBC News that the 28-year-old woman attempted to get on an Air Canada flight from Bogota when an airport official noticed that her stomach was strangely cold and solid.

Inspectors moved the woman to the side for further investigation. They found the she had fashioned a fake belly out of latex that she'd taped to her body, then hidden two kilos of coke inside.

"The way she operated was to [try] fooling law enforcement checks by faking a pregnancy," Arias said.

According to AFP, the woman has been identified as Leah Ritchie, a social worker who traveled to Colombia on August 6.

The Canadian Embassy in Bogota did not issue a statement on the matter.

Colombian officials told CBC News that about 800 foreigners are currently being held in prison for drug-related infractions.

The UN estimated that Colombia cultivated and manufactured 309 tons of cocaine last year. The South American country is currently second to Peru as the world's leading source of the drug.

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