Harry Reid Supports Obama's Iran Deal

President Barack Obama's Iran nuclear deal got positive support from Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nevada) a move that means that the chances of Congress blocking Obama's pact are considerably reduced.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure the deal stands," Reid said in a telephone interview with The Washington Post.

As things now stand, the Iran nuclear deal is now backed by 27 Democrats - with only two, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, opposing it, reports CNN.

Reid, who is scheduled to retire from the Senate after the 2016 elections, made the announcement a day before Obama attends a clean energy conference in Nevada.

"At the end of the day, there is no doubt in my mind that the threat of Iran gaining a nuclear weapon - the one outcome we all agree is unacceptable - is far more likely if Congress rejects this agreement." Reid said in his statement, according to USA Today.

After Reid's support, Obama needs seven more Democratic senators to support the deal and ensure its passage. Reid's office has confirmed that he will actively support the deal and work to drum up the necessary votes, according to The Huffington Post.

Republicans oppose the deal, saying that the agreement gives Iran too much latitude and avenues to procure nuclear weapons that could threaten Israel and the United States.

By pursuing a congressional resolution of disapproval, the Republicans, who are the majority in the Senate and the House, hope to stop the Iran nuclear deal from passing. But, Obama has vowed to veto any such resolution. By garnering support from the 34 Democratic senators he would need to sustain that veto, Obama may just see the deal through.

President Barack Obama, Iran, Congress, Nevada, Harry Reid, Obama