Vanilla Ice had it - even a younger David Beckham sported the look back in the 1990s. The eyebrow slit was huge among the men of that decade. It made a style statement like facial piercings and grunge. Its history is undetermined, but the eyebrow slit was a favorite among top rappers during those days, according to Popsugar.
Today, the eyebrow slit is getting a revival on Instagram and it's not just the men sporting it. Women have also been spotted with the slit and many of them look incredible, according to Buzzfeed.
A 2015 entry in the Urban Dictionary defines eyebrow slit: "Shaving gaps in your eyebrows to be trendy. It gets clumped in the category of eyebrows on fleek and shaping/drawing them on. It's usually done on one eyebrow but can be done on both, and there could but 2-3 slits on an eyebrow or just one. People also do these to identify with a group if a whole clique does eyebrow slits."
A little digging around showed that just five years ago, college kids didn't think it was hot to have shaved gaps on the eyebrows.
"There [sic] ok if you're in a boy band. If not they are really quite douchey," said one commenter on The Student Room.
"It looks ridiculous. If people I know get them, I will laugh at them," said another commenter on the same forum one year later.
But the look continues to earn more posts from Instagram users.
A photo posted by Selene Forsanini (@selenerio) on Jul 24, 2015 at 11:03am PDT
A photo posted by Bow wow (@shadmoss) on Aug 22, 2015 at 4:28pm PDT
A photo posted by Kristin (@noxlux) on Jun 26, 2015 at 6:05pm PDT
Makeup and brow slits by me. @stebbzz #pink #blush #contour #brows #browslits #eyebrowslits #cosmetics #beauty #highlight #makeuprevolution #revolutionmakeup #illamasqua #mac #maccosmetics #sleek #sleekmakeup #smashbox #smashboxcosmetics #bblogs #bbloggers #bbloggersuk #mua #motd #shuuemura A photo posted by Ellie Bebbington (@elliebebb94) on May 28, 2015 at 7:39pm PDT
Remeber when #vanillaice did the eyebrow slits #1989 #eyebrowslit #iceicebabyy
A photo posted by Melinda Semmelrock (@lillette91) on Aug 25, 2015 at 11:19am PDT
If you’d like to try this look without having to shave your eyebrows, here's a video tutorial on creating a fake eyebrow slit. This works best for those with thin eyebrows to begin with.