We've all heard the story. One day at Camp Crystal Lake, a young deformed child was being teased by the other children and eventually got pushed into the water. He wasn't able to swim and the counselors were off making out somewhere and weren't watching the kids. The boy drowns and his mother goes on a killing spree only to be decapitated years later. That turns out to be a big mistake as the boy who drowned, all grown up, starts to emerge from the lake every Friday the 13th to exact his revenge on any unsuspecting teen who dares come too close to Crystal Lake... Or Manhattan... Or Elm Street... And one time Space.
Many of you have probably figured out that I'm talking about one of the most iconic slasher villains in film history -Jason Voorhees. Yesterday, in honor of the date, the SyFy channel played a marathon of the films in the "Friday the 13" series. The franchise has spawned 12 films since it began in 1980. The hockey mask-wearing, machete-wielding maniac has stalked and preyed on unsuspecting teenagers for decades. What better time to commemorate some of his more intense moments than on the day itself - Friday the 13th 2013. Below is a list of our top 5 favorite moments from the series, in no particular order.
(WARNING: All clips can be found below, they are very graphic and not suitable for the workplace or children).
#5) Jason Kills A Man In A Wheelchair: Not saying we condone picking on people in wheelchairs, but what better way to show that no one is off limits than to send a machete right into an otherwise peaceful man's face? Although it takes palce in the second Friday the 13th film, as many fans know this was Jason's first appearance as his mother did all the work in the first film. The blow sends the man rolling down the steps through the rain and sets the audience on edge as they now kneow face a killer who truly has no mercy.
#4) Jason Goes For A Run: Jason almost never runs. Throughout the entirety of the film's franchise, the killer is notorious for stalking his victims with his menacing walk. It takes a lot for someone to anger him to the point of going for a light jog. However, if anyone was going to make the killer decide it's time to get some cardio, its fellow slasher film bad guy Freddy Kruger. Although fans believed the film was subpar, it has one of the few running scenes for the killer. He puts Freddy through a wall at one end and then runs him through to the other in their climactic bad guy throw down. You can see the full fight, including the run, below.
#3) Jason vs. Julius: Only a brave few have ever stepped up to try and fight Jason one-on-one, and none have lived to tell the tale. In "Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan" a boxing high-school student finds himself cornered on a rooftop and decides the only thing he can do is try and punch his way out. To Julius' credit, he manages to sock the immortal killer from one end of the rooftop to the other before he himself literally gets his head knocked off. Valiant effort though Julius, rest in peace.
#2) Jason's Coldest Kill: Jason has found a lot of creative ways to kill young attractive teens over the years, but in the campy sci-fi horror crossover "Jason X" the killer finds himself frozen and brought back to life several years in the future on a space ship (I know). While the concept leaves many fans scratching their heads, Jason gets one of his most violent kills to date. When a young woman tries to perform an autopsy, he dunks her head in some liquid nitrogen, crystallizing her skull. Unfortunately, he's not done yet. The killer then smashes the young woman's face to pieces. It's gorey, it's violent, it's Jason.
#1) Here's JASON!: Jason has come back to life again and again. After 12 films, that's kind of his thing. However, nothing beats his very first appearance and kill. It takes place after the lone survivor of the fist film has dealt with his mother. She is in the middle of the lake on a canoe waiting for the morning and her rescue in what she thought was the safest place around. A police officer is on the shore calling for her and it seems like the movie, which until this point had no supernatural elements to it, was coming to an exhausting close. Just then, all the legends of Jason come to life as the deformed body of the young child climbs out of the lake and drags the girl underwater with him.
#4 (:30)