Daniele Watts, 'Django Unchained' Star, Sentenced To Community Service

Actress Daniele Watts and her boyfriend, chef Brian James Lucas, was sentenced to community service after refusing to submit an acceptable apology letter to the LAPD officers she accused of racial profiling, the Associated Press reported. The sentence is a response to charges following a fall 2014 arrest.

Officers from the Los Angeles Police Department responded to a call that complained a couple was having sex in a car last September, according to the Hollywood Reporter. While being questioned by the LAPD, the actress accused the cops of racial profiling during the arrest. The couple complained that the LAPD treated them as if they were engaged in prostitution because Watts is black and Lucas is white.

Watts and Lucas were initially charged with committing lewd acts, but they were dropped as part of a deal. The couple pled no contest to disturbing the peace charges and were instructed to write a letter of apology to the officers they accused of racial profiling, according to the Los Angeles Times.

But the letter was deemed insincere by a judge.

"Hopefully you can forgive the fact that my heightened emotions disturbed what might have otherwise been a carefree stop on your way to a nice cup of coffee," Watts wrote in her letter, as reported by the LA Times.

The couple was sentenced to serve 15 hours of community service along with two years' probation.

Django unchained, LAPD