MLB NEWS: Los Angeles Dodgers Have Cuban Player, Loah Linares, Sleeping Outside Stadium Hoping for Tryout

The Los Angeles Dodgers opened the 2015-2016 signing period with a number of big moves. They inked two of the top five international prospects and many others. But one Cuban player feels the MLB -- specifically the Dodgers -- overlooked him.

Loah Linares has been camping outside Dodger stadium for over two weeks in hopes of getting a tryout with the team, according to ABC 7 in Los Angeles.

"He's determined to stay outside Dodger Stadium for as long as it takes, and has been working out as much as he can on the streets, hoping the owners will give him a shot on the field," Adrienne Bankert writes.

"Linares says one of his inspirations was the iconic Jackie Robinson. He now hopes to follow in the footsteps of other Cuban players like Yasiel Puig and even has a message for him and other Dodger players: 'I'm outside the L.A. Dodgers Stadium. Stop by, pick me up. Let's play catch. Let's get back in the field.'"

Security has said Linares has been unsuccessful in his attempts to get inside the stadium.

Here's a video of Linares, provided by Conejo Productions:

Linares says he's a baseball player from La Habana, Cuba, but there is no evidence suggesting he ever went pro in his home country. He told ABC 7 that he could play second base, shortstop and third base, but just wants the opportunity to show the Dodgers that he can play.

While it's unlikely the Dodgers budge here, this is a notable story that has been covered by many news outlets, including FOX Sports, USA Today Sports, NBC Sports, and others.

Perhaps an independent-league team will give Linares the opportunity to earn a roster spot this season, as it's unlikely he's ready to jump onto a 40-man MLB roster this late in the year.

If that happens, then perhaps the Dodgers will give him a look.

Mlb, News, Los angeles dodgers, Cuban, Player, Sleeping, Stadium