Timo The Cat Gets Big Wet Kiss From Koi Fish (VIDEO)

Cats get into all sorts of scenarios when they are out and about. Some of them wander around and go wherever they want to go, while others just find a spot good enough to sleep in for the time being.

Timo the cat, on the other hand, is a special case. He spends his free time lounging on his hammock, driving his car around the house, chasing solar butterflies in the garden or bond with his koi fish friends in the backyard pond.

And this adorable ragdoll cat even has a very special friendship with one particular koi fish.

As seen in the video below, Timo can be seen holding his paw out on the water to pet one of the fishes. Then out of nowhere, one of the koi fishes pops out of the water to give Timo a big kiss!

And if this little unusual friendship isn't adorable enough, Timo even makes the efforts to ensure that his aquatic friends are fed well by tasting their food, such as bread, to see if it's good enough for them to eat!

Cat, Fish