'Survivor: Second Chance' SPOILERS: Former Cast Member Heads to Cambodia To Get All The Details

As we've already learned, this upcoming season of "Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance" apparently has the worst climate conditions contestants have ever had to deal with. While it's completely believable that the weather in Cambodia is unbearable, "Survivor" Season 16 winner Parvati Shallow wanted to see for herself.

Shallow took off to Cambodia as a member of the press to not only score a few interviews, but to view firsthand some of the challenges the current contestants are dealing with on Season 31. She wrote all about her experience on the set for The Hollywood Reporter — and she had some pretty interesting information to share.

"That's how much I love this game and these people," she said about her 20-hour travel time. "I can hardly contain my excitement."

Shallow went on to explain how she got to interview each contestant about their strategy to become the ultimate Survivor and, while she couldn't reveal what any of the cast members said in their interviews, she made sure to specifically point out just how bad the weather really was.

"We are in a constant battle with the weather. It's rainy season in Cambodia and that means the day vacillates from sweltering, unbearable heat to torrential downpours," she said before explaining her bedtime routine. "I crash under my mosquito net, praying that the gigantic spider who's taken up residence in my bathroom stays put."

As for her second day there, she said: "It's so hot, we have to take regular breaks to find shade. I guzzle water in an attempt to keep up with the amount of sweat that's pouring from my body. This season, the elements are going to be grueling. I say a silent prayer for my friends going out there to compete." You can only imagine how these contestants will feel after several weeks in this climate.

As for the new twist for the upcoming season, she makes a point to explain how it feels to see the hidden immunity within a challenge. "This complicates things in a big way," she explained. "As a player, are you brave enough to go for the idol in plain sight? Or do you play it safe and let the opportunity go?"

She was able to see the contestants' first actual day of filming after all the press was done, and she couldn't wait. Host Jeff Probst steps off a "large pirate ship" with supplies like pots, cooking utensils, coconuts, bananas and chickens, as they get a chance to grab as much as they can, "Hunger Games"-style, without the weapons of course.

"As any 'Survivor' fan knows, the game rewards those who make bold choices and seize opportunity as it arises. This game will be no different," she explained. "With the new twists and a cast of returnees, the game will demand every ounce of mental, physical and spiritual energy these players and producers have."

Survivor, Spoilers