Hillary Clinton Email: Family Personally Paid State Department Staffer To Maintain Server, Campaign Official Says

An official from the camp of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she and her family personally paid a staffer from the State Department to maintain the private email server she used when she was head of the agency.

With this arrangement, Clinton was able to hold on to having sole control of the system that she had utilized publicly and privately, something that she had come under fire for recently.

However, the official added that the system made sure that taxpayer dollars were not used to spend for the private server being used by the entire Clinton family, including herself, her husband and their daughter, as well as the former president's aides, according to The Washington Post.

The former secretary of state has faced a myriad of criticism and concern from the public in recent months after reports of her using a private email server instead of a departmental one first came into light back in March.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has already looked into Clinton's private email server. Last month, she turned over her private email server to the Justice Department, and this week saw Bryan Pagliano, the person responsible for maintaining her server, plead the fifth and refuse a subpoena from a congressional committee.

Clinton had to apologize in an interview on Friday, not for how she used a private server but rather for the confusion regarding her emails.

Hillary Clinton