Bus Stop Dancer Ellie Cole Lands Role in Professional Theater Show after 'Dancing Queen' Video Pops Off (WATCH)

One day, 35-year-old Ellie Cole was just a Southampton secretary grooving to her tunes at a bus stop.

The next, she became an overnight sensation with a million-views video and a role in a professional theater's show.

In a video clip titled, "Eastleigh's Got Talent," uploaded on YouTube, Cole is seen getting down at a bus stop in the Hampshire town. She wiggles her fingers, shakes her hips, two-steps and punches to ABBA's "Dancing Queen," playing in the background.

After about three minutes, Cole's bus arrives, and she climbs aboard.

The video went viral, and is now at almost a million views.

Shortly after Cole gained her three minutes of fame, the Point Theatre in Eastleigh invited her to join the cast of a play called "AH Men" after the writer saw her dancing online.

"I'm just a normal, everyday person who happens to like dancing at bus stops," Cole told the Telegraph. "Still, to this day, I find it hard to believe what happened with the video. It's like 'wow, why me?'"

Cole, who studied performing arts for one year at Eastleigh College but had to drop out after she could no longer afford classes, said that this was an opportunity for her to achieve her dreams of working onstage.

"It's very flattering and humbling," she stated. "There's no doubt it's very exciting."

Writer and director of "AH Men," Lynne Paris told the Telegraph that she's always looking for local performers to join her projects, and said she came across the video a few weeks prior, when her son showed it to her.

"My son saw the video and he said, 'you've got to see this, mum, she's just like you.' Wherever I am, if there's music I find myself jigging along to it. I think anybody who likes music could identify with it."

Cole will be featured in the chorus line during the first act, which, according to Paris, will be a club scene where the group sings and performs a dance.