Hungarian Journalist Fired: Caught Abusing Refugees (VIDEO)

"Our N1TV colleague today behaved unacceptably at the Röszke collection point," N1TV Editor in Chief Szabolcs Kisber wrote in the post, according to Mashable. Kisber was responding to questions about the Hungarian journalist caught on camera kicking and tripping fleeing refugees, stating the working relationship she with the company has ended and they consider the case closed.

It's a photo that speaks volumes. The refugee crisis and their plights are unimaginable to people comfortable in their homes and lives. But watching the Hungarian camerawoman, intentionally trip and kick refugees, running for their lives is eye opening.

Hungarian journalist Petra László.is seen in this footage, not just covering the story as a journalist, but actually tripping a refugee who was running while carrying a small bag of his belongings and a carrying a child. The man tumbles to the ground and cries out at László, according to The New York Daily News, as the police are approaching.

László can be seen kicking two other migrants, one of whom appears to be a young girl, in a separate video, according to USA Today.

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has so far been unsuccessful in his attempt to construct a wall along the Hungarian-Serbian border to stem the flow of migrants.

Hungary, Refugees, Video, Migrants