Kellogg's Brings Virtual Reality To Your Bowl Of Cereal

Virtual reality (VR), something once a dream only realized in science-fiction movies, is now available at the bottom of your cereal box, according to The Verge. Kellogg's is offering cardboard VR goggles with its New Zealand Nutri-Grain cereal that can be used in conjunction with a smartphone app, which offers multiple VR experiences such as mountain biking, longboarding and wingsuiting.

Each cereal box comes with a QR code that allows you to access the "NG Bolt" app, which is available in both the App Store or Google Play, Engadget reported. The games tout a 360-degree VR experience and are compatible with iPhone 4, 5 and 6 devices as well as the Samsung Galaxy S3, S4 and S5.

The event is comparable to the "holographic" cereal toys that used to come with select products, although they were typically little more than shiny pictures that weren't close to what most imagined a hologram to be. However, the Kellogg's goggles, in combination with the smartphone app, are much closer to an actual VR experience than any similar cereal promotion in the past.

The product seems to tap into the same idea as Google Cardboard, although on a much smaller scale. Assembly direction for the goggles are included in the app and on YouTube, according to Tech Times.

Virtual reality, Virtual, Reality, Vr, Cereal, Glasses, Google Cardboard, New zealand, Iphone, Samsung, Android, App store, Google Play, App