Medicine Cabinet Checklist: What You Should And Shouldn't Keep In Your Medicine Cabinet

Having a well-stocked medicine cabinet will save you the trouble of running to the drugstore in case of sickness or emergencies. Below are some of what you must and must not put inside your medicine cabinet.

- Toothbrush and other dental essentials like floss and toothpaste. Keeping them inside the cabinet will keep them sanitized, as toothbrushes are easily contaminated, especially in a very busy bathroom, according to the American Society for Microbiology.

- First aid essential to treat cuts, scrapes burns and eye irritants. This includes gauze pads, bandages, medical tape, burn creams or aloe vera gel and an eyewash. Also add in alcohol and iodine for treating and cleaning wounds.

- Thermometer, either strips, digital or the traditional mercury thermometer to check for body temperature when someone has a fever.

- Sunscreen lotion, specifically SPF 30 or higher. These can be kept potent inside a dark and cool place for three years, according to the Mayo Clinic.

- Hydrocortisone cream for treating skin irritation.

- Nail cutter and tweezers. These are not only used for grooming, they can also be helpful for removing splinters.

On the other hand, some medicines must never be placed inside the medicine cabinet where the kids have easy access, especially when incidence of accidental prescription medication poisoning among children is on the rise, according to NPR.

Instead, prescription medications should be kept in a separate child-safe box, along with Benadryl or diphenhydramine, acetaminophen or ibuprofen and antibiotics. If your medicine cabinet is in the bathroom, also consider that the heat and humidity can affect the potency of some of the medicines. It would be better to have a designated medicine cabinet in a separate area in the house.

Ibuprofen, Antibiotics