
Sony Makes PS3 Exclusives Available on PS4 to Stay Ahead of Xbox One

Sony is striving hard to keep ahead of Microsoft in the latest console wars. Playstation 4 and Xbox One are both releasing during the holiday season and Sony is offering PS3 titles on the next generation console for a discount.

The Japanese multinational conglomerate has come up with a promotional offer that will allow PS4 owners to obtain the upgraded versions of the PS3 titles at discounted prices reveals a post on PlayStation official blog. However, the offer is for a limited period and will be valid on few selective PS3 titles namely- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Watch Dogs and Battlefeild 4. Over Sony will add more titles.

Sony has released a user guide for PlayStation 4 owners to get the digital versions of the PS3 titles, this is in addition to the 33 exclusive titles for PS4.

Once a PS3 version of the game is bought it will come with an embedded code which can be redeemed at the Playstation store once the PS4 versions become available. It will cost only $9.99 for upgrading.

For Assassin's Creed IV and Watch Dogs, the PS3 title holders need to get their points redeemed before January 31 and there is an extension of two months for the other two exclusives (valid till March 28 for Battlefeild 4 and March 31 for Call of Duty).

Shuhei Yoshida, the president for Sony' s Worldwide Studios, confirmed at the Tokyo Game conference, Thursday that Sony will come up with a library that will include PS3 titles by 2014 via its cloud gaming service. Yoshida also said that the games on the library will be playable on the other Sony devices including, PS4, PS Vita and PS TV, according to GameFront.

The 2014 launch for the new library service has been slated for the U.S. market. The release date for Europe still has to be revealed.

Sony, 3, PS, 4, Guide
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