Google Plans to Topple Apple and Microsoft with Free Quickoffice App for iOS and Android Users

Google rolled out an updated Quickoffice app for iOS and Android users Thursday, nearly an year after the search engine giant acquired the software developer.

"Quickoffice has been a part of the Google family for over a year now now and we've been focused on making it easier for you to get work done in Drive - no matter what type of document you need to work with," reads a post on Google Official Blog.

More interestingly, the Quickoffice app will come free this time on both iOS and Android. Initially, the Google app will be available to business subscribers free of cost and the rest will have to pitch in a few extra bucks ($14.99 for the pro version and $19.99 for the pro HD version) to get the app.

Google's free office app is in direct competition to Microsoft's offer of a similar app in June , which needs an Office 365 subscription whereas Quickoffice comes free.

Apple, earlier this month, offered iWork as an added bonus for new iOS devices but the new Google app wins the race as it is free both for Android and iOS devices, reports BGR.

The Quickoffice app basically facilitates easy edit of Microsoft files (Word, Excel sheets and Power Point). The app also facilitates immediate access to storage service by Google, more popularly known as Google Drive and the smartphone holders can obtain these files stored on the drive at any point of time.

Google has come up with some additional features for the updated app like zip folders, charts on Excel and Power Point. To make the app more attractive the California based tech giant will be offering 10GB free Google Drive Storage for the next two years for anyone who signs up for the Quickoffice app before 26 September via Google account.

Google, Apple, Microsoft, Free, App, Ios, Android