Clouded Leopard Cubs Make Their Debut At Zoo Miami (PHOTOS)

Two adorable and rare clouded leopard cubs made their debut this week at Zoo Miami. Sisters Malee and Suree, just six months old, had their first chance to explore their new digs, says the Miami Herald. The pictures, you will agree, are stunning

Clouded leopards are shy and secretive by nature, so mother Serai has been raising them in a quiet, secluded den more suited to her liking. The clouded leopards are also highly endangered, says The Daily Mail, probably due to their beautiful fur which some cultures use for ceremonies.

This is the second litter born to Serai, who originally came from the Smithsonian Conservation Center in Virginia, and her mate Rajasi, from the Nashville Zoo.

The cubs, born in March, have been photographed throughout the last six months, and the pictures are remarkable.

Clouded leopards vary in size, usually between 30 and 50 pounds, and are found in the forests of Southern China, Taiwan and Malaysia, according to CBS Miami. What an incredible glimpse at a rarely seen animal. See the pictures here to truly appreciate these endangered leopards, at their youngest form, little cubs to visually delight us all.

Virginia, Endangered, Rare, Beautiful, Taiwan, Malaysia
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